Monday, November 28, 2005

we're in Washington....

What an exceptionally inspiring day. Thanks to Jim Thieman for hosting us and giving us a comprehensive tour of Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Centre. Also thanks to Steel Hill for introducing us to working with SOHO visualisations and to Alex Young for demystifying the challenge which is the SOHO image archive. Vivek Divivendi gave us the lowdown on what it takes to be a space science visualiser and took us to the science visualisation studio where Tom Bridgman and Greg Shirah gave us a talk through their new and truly impressive 'A Tour of the Cryosphere' animation, which uses actual satellite data to create stop frame animations of various ice formations in transformation, on our planet. We called by Mona Kesoul who works on sonifying magnetic field data as an addition to visualising, to help increase our knowledge. We will get the programme X-Sonify working yet!
We have acquired plenty of amazing images which document our day, and have many inspirations that will inform our work for a long while to come.
images to follow....