Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wilcox Solar Observatory / Silicon Valley

We've done three days activities in one today.Begin at the beginning.....
Sunny clear skies meant we could follow through our trip to the Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford. Todd Hoeksema gave us a tour, and we documented the process involved in observing the sun, the fantastic architecture, and the mix of mechanical, analogue and digital technology used. Many photo opportunities. We're growing more and more interested in the histroy of observing the Sun and Todd said he can put us on touch with other Solar Observatories and people archiving Sun Documentation. More time is needed for that.

Wilcox Solar Observatory

following the light

the Sun being tracked by light sensors

We made our pilgrimage to National Semiconductor on Semiconductor Drive in Silicon Valley. We also gave ourselves a tour of all things virtual, Google,Intel,Yahoo,Apple at One Infinite Loop..........our busmans holiday.

Google Tour

San Francisco this evening for Blectum from Blechdom's return performance. Insane night.
It ended with some pie throwing...